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Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2019

why i am blogging again

I have decided to blog again because:

-Breton and Daphne are both teenagers and are not as dependent on several times I have been left twiddling my thumbs because they are busy and I don't know what to do... I can only clean and cook so much.  I need my "stuff" so it's my hobby and sometimes might be my therapy (Dear Diary...)

-I am a writer.  I enjoy writing.  I can explain myself with my written words better than I can verbally. Have you heard me tell a story??  The written version is so much better!

-it makes me happy

-now that I am not doing it in hopes of earning $$ I can do whatever i want to do!  I took off the counter of how many page views I got because now the stats don't matter:)

-maybe what I am writing will help someone else

-In the end it's a photo album/scrapbook/journal of my life for me, my children, my family, my grandkids to look back on.  With cyberspace I think it will be around for a very very long time.

Monday, June 24, 2019

why I stopped blogging

It has been almost two years that I have not blogged.

There are several reasons why I stopped:

-It is time consuming. It is like having another job.  Especially when I was doing a blog a day.

-At times I am not living in the moment.  I am thinking "what from this event will I blog I have a good pic to go with it?

-people used my blog to keep in contact with me.  And I guess this is true now more than ever with social media but I resented the fact that they knew what I was up to yet I had no idea about them...and there was no reaching out to get in contact unless I was doing it

-originally I was hoping I could earn funds doing it ( YMC  YummyMummyClub  I got paid...once )but realised that the genre changes quickly and I am no computer geek/savant so it is now like a photo album/virtual scrapbook for all our memories

-Am I too open? I always claim I wear my heart on my sleeve but my life has many people in it who get pulled into my blog.  I also share stories that can be very"open" PPD  becomes more like a Dear Diary...

-Apple iPhone stopped supporting the Blogger app.  I can no longer blog via my phone, so now it takes writing my posts in my Notes then emailing them to myself and then cut and pasting them into Blogger on my Chromebook or laptop (again there maybe a faster way but I am not knowledgable...)

Sunday, June 9, 2019

It's Back!!!!!!!

Need a summer photo of this nest (Add it to the To Do List!)

This is why I am blogging again:

A Robyn in a relationship, caring for her two darling blue eggs. I try to maintain the Nest as a cozy commemorative place for our adventures, our struggles, our highlights and even some of the lows. Speckled within, there will be some shout outs, a favourite recipe, lots of photos and a chuckle or two. In the end, I LOVE my blog because it is a collage of our memories. Whether a few visit the Nest or many, the Nest will be here. Welcome.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Why I am back

To blogging

- I get excited and want to share. Usually if I have spelling mistakes it's because I couldn't type fast enough. I geek out about stuff and want someone to know about it

- people can see what we are up to 

- kinda therapeutic 

- it is definitely a digital scrapbook for my kids that will exist forever?!

- venting platform (goes with the therapeutic aspect)

- might lead to something else... Put it out there and you never know

Thursday, June 29, 2017

why I haven't...

  • Social media changes all the time and I can't keep up...I don't know how to add badges, to code, if I am on the best blogging site, what should I add or get rid of etc etc etc

  • It is like having another job.  I can spend an entire day blogging if I wanted to.  This would let me schedule blogs to be posted in the future, in the end freeing up time but for a hobby sometimes it feels like a job.  A job that doesn't pay...

  • I originally started the blog hoping it would lead to "work", so far I got a $50 gift card and a chance to promote a Yummy Mummy Club (YMC) event which earned me some $ and an adventure with Paul. Read about the event here here and here 

  • I have not always been in the right "mood" or felt "up" for blogging 

  • My iphone SE doesn't allow the Blogger app to be downloaded so, anytime anywhere blogging can not occur, a lot of emailing photos to myself then using old phone, chromebook or laptop to do my blogging = time consuming:(

  • From this post...He contacted me, not Tim W, but the other guy from this post...kinda freaked me out a bit.  I won't publish his response because he doesn't require anymore attention.  I don't want my grade four memory tarnished even more.

  • You stop living in the moment.  I catch myself trying to get a photo so I can use it in my blog and the whole time I am in a moment I am thinking about how I am going to blog about it.

  • People use the blog and social media to "keep in touch" but it ends up being one sided. I don't know they are reading my blog but they do know what I am doing I just don't know what they are doing.  I am happy somebody is reading it...

  • That leads to another reason: I didn't think anyone was reading it. With less than 10 followers not always sure if anyone is clicking social media links.  And I also have to remember that I am doing this as kinda a memory montage for all of us, so i should not care if others are reading.... (but I do)

These are the reasons I have not blogged in awhile...

but I am back!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Dear Diary

Why do I blog?  Because...

It lets people know what I have been up to, especially people I do not see or talk to on a regular basis

It is therapeutic, at least the Sunday post.       And everyone has a choice to read it or not.  

Maybe opening up a bit too much but that would be my third reason:  that someone comes across my blog and it helps them.  Whether it is the Spartan blog (gives them a laugh)or the fix it jobs I post or these ones.