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Showing posts with label #yummymummycommunity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #yummymummycommunity. Show all posts

Thursday, June 29, 2017

why I haven't...

  • Social media changes all the time and I can't keep up...I don't know how to add badges, to code, if I am on the best blogging site, what should I add or get rid of etc etc etc

  • It is like having another job.  I can spend an entire day blogging if I wanted to.  This would let me schedule blogs to be posted in the future, in the end freeing up time but for a hobby sometimes it feels like a job.  A job that doesn't pay...

  • I originally started the blog hoping it would lead to "work", so far I got a $50 gift card and a chance to promote a Yummy Mummy Club (YMC) event which earned me some $ and an adventure with Paul. Read about the event here here and here 

  • I have not always been in the right "mood" or felt "up" for blogging 

  • My iphone SE doesn't allow the Blogger app to be downloaded so, anytime anywhere blogging can not occur, a lot of emailing photos to myself then using old phone, chromebook or laptop to do my blogging = time consuming:(

  • From this post...He contacted me, not Tim W, but the other guy from this post...kinda freaked me out a bit.  I won't publish his response because he doesn't require anymore attention.  I don't want my grade four memory tarnished even more.

  • You stop living in the moment.  I catch myself trying to get a photo so I can use it in my blog and the whole time I am in a moment I am thinking about how I am going to blog about it.

  • People use the blog and social media to "keep in touch" but it ends up being one sided. I don't know they are reading my blog but they do know what I am doing I just don't know what they are doing.  I am happy somebody is reading it...

  • That leads to another reason: I didn't think anyone was reading it. With less than 10 followers not always sure if anyone is clicking social media links.  And I also have to remember that I am doing this as kinda a memory montage for all of us, so i should not care if others are reading.... (but I do)

These are the reasons I have not blogged in awhile...

but I am back!!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Thankful for hockey!!!

So Breton has been participating in the Bell Capital Cup over the past couple of days.  His Competitive B White Raiders are 2-0! With a game in hand this morning...

The last game a reporter came and did this report about his Coach:

This year has been our first (Breton and I) experience with competitive hockey.  It has been a great opportunity.  Breton has enjoyed playing with his teammates (#peter, #connor, #sam etc), we have done a bit of travel (Jay Peak & Buffalo placed 2nd at both:), B has learned skills, time management and a bit about the behind the scenes of a team's dynamics.  He loves playing, that is the bottome line and with this team he has gotten the challenges he has needed, at the same time learning many new skills. 

Oh and he has had lots of FUN!  

Go Raiders Go!
