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Sunday, July 30, 2017

THIS is 40

Love re-visting my blogs of the past. In some ways I have changed, in some ways I remain the same.

Here upon my 40th birthday, are 40 things you may or may not know about me:)

1- I collect the closure tags from bread, milk, bagels etc.  I have a container at home and a bag at work of them.  The bag at work of tags was suppose to be used for a craft? or sorting?  never happened. 

2- I love to do the laundry!  Putting it in, selecting the settings, moving it to the dryer and then folding it (in front of the TV)  Putting it away is another story.

3- I'd love to be a roadie for a band or just go on tour...

4- My new favourite singer: Gin Wigmore  But will always be a PINK fan

5- I'd love to work on an assembly line or be a food prep person (the one who cuts up the veggies, fruit or other ingredients {not the meat}) but I do love the job I have.  I think of my class as my classroom family.  I also am very grateful for the women I work with and the support from my students' parents.

6- Ok maybe I would cut up the meat if I had gloves on.  I think I can touch/clean/prepare anything if I had gloves on.

7- I have no chest (boobs) and I love it!!

8- I wear men's briefs sometimes. So comfy!  Victoria Secret low-rise bikini underwear are my alternative.  I hate thongs/G-strings.

9- Hair growth sucks at 40 (what the heck is going on!) Love laser hair removal:p

10- Not a big athlete but can be your biggest cheerleader:) I played water polo in university actually more like I trained with the water polo team because I only played one game as goalie.  Yes we lost that game but we'd lost every game that season:O)  Loved being goalie so much was goalie for the one season of Futsal I played a few years ago.  We actually won games, thank you very much!  so enjoyed it swollen fingers and all, even when I got the ball in the throat and couldn't talk for a bit!

11- I loved being pregnant.

12- My favourite movie of all time is The Princess Bride.  My favourite colour is purple, my second favourite is navy blue and my third favourite is black.  Favourite number is 2.  My favourite flower is a tulip, any colour

13- A huge multi-tasker.  If I am talking to you on the phone,I am doing 5 other things during that conversation.

14- I love Rockets, Sweet Tarts, real maple syrup and of course chocolate.

15- Wanna get my nose pierced, tiny little stud.

16- I was hit by a van when I was 5 years old, when I was getting off the school bus.  What I remember is waking up and my Mom feeding me ice cream and then I remember them wheeling me up to my room and my Dad commenting how the whole bed fit into the elevator.

17- I have three tattoos and considering another: this quote "For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first." Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games

18- My kids are my everything!!

19- I wish I could make money from my art.

20- I went to Brock University, majoring in Child Studies, I have ECE equivalency and a Montessori diploma

21- I run and want to be better at it.

22- My front tooth is dead.  I've had a root canal.  At the time in order to stop it from going brown my dentist rubbed hydrogen peroxide on it--it burned my gums.  I had 16 teeth removed as a kid and I had braces and a head gear

23- I use men's deodorant.  I stink and it stops the stink, also it is easier to find deodorant in the men's section. 

24- I will travel to Australia, NYC, Vegas, San Antonio, Greece and Hawaii one day!  I have been to the Dominican, Aruba, England, Italy

25- Love the smell of cinnamon and also spearmint.  Smelling these scents puts me in a better mood

26- I want to go in a hot air balloon, bungee jump and/or skydive.  I would go in a shark cage too.

27- I do not drink a lot (anymore).  I do not like wine or beer: drink of choice a rye & Coke. Or a Sambuca shooter (on fire)

28- I have texture issues: I will not eat eggs or pumpkin pie cuz of their texture or bananas

29- I LOVE going to an airport.  Whether it is to go somewhere or just to pick someone up.  I find it exciting.

30- Boudoir pix-done 'em! To celebrate losing 11lbs of baby weight.

31- I would get Botox for the line between my eyes.  It is from thinking so hard all these years.

32- I am terrified of bats but have held a tarantula,  a python, scorpion and cockroach.

33- I have never done an illegal drug...

34- Suffered from postpartum depression after my first child but didn't know it at the time.

35- I drink approx. 4 cups of tea everyday.  I also love to eat.  I do not like to cook but if someone makes me good food I LOVE IT!!

36- Have been judged and put down by others based on religious believes or my lack of a religion

37- Extreme introvert.  The friends I have are very very dear to me.

38- Childhood: was really really good.

39- Nicknames I have had: Rob, Robbino, Wild Bush, Bandit, Robynski Comaneci, Curly, Oottat

40- Been to a psychic and she was right!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday my dear friend. See you for tea!

Aimee Smith said...

LOVE YOU HAVE A GREAT FIRST DAY OF BEING 40, I am so thankful I get to spend it with you truly an honor!!!!!! The best is yet to come!!!!!!!

LOve you ROBBIE!!!!


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful Lady! Couple things... Boudoir photos? Really?? The closure tag thing is kinda OCD, but I love that about you. Also, I've never heard you referred to as "Wild Bush" and if it's okay with you, I'm going to stick with "Robyn". Have a fabulous day!