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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My kitchen


So I painted my kitchen cupboards and I did have some BEFORE pix but then my phone fell in the toilet and I lost the pictures:(  So above is one photo I could find of what my cupboards looked liked.

Below are the finished cupboards.  The process was not too bad.  I ended up adding two coats of varnish to make them really shiny.  Now I would like to get a new counter top and tile the floor=both a shade of gray.

All in time...



Anonymous said...

looks great! want to paint my living room?????

Anonymous said...

Looks terrific.
Where is the door panel for your stove?

Anonymous said...

Looks fab well done Robyn :-)

Robyn Smith said...

I knew someone would ask that or id this Warren? It broke during the move to the house in "99:( I looked last year for a replacement but they no longer make it...stove still works:)