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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

7am dinner?!?

This is what's for dinner tonight!  And it was ready this morning:). We have a busy night so getting this done this AM is just one less thing I will have to do tonight.

Our day:
6am get up walk Ruby then went to get ground beef for our dinner.  Cashier mentioned it look like weather for zombies!  Oh great!  I guess I would ruin her day if I told her that ZOMBIES ARE NOT REAL!!!

Cooked food, showered, packed lunches, got dressed...maybe in that order?!

7:15am got kids up
7:45am off to wk/school
After work deliver wreath from hockey fundraiser
Get new skates sharpened 
Eat the dinner!
4:30 drop B off at hockey practice
Finish dinner me & D
6:00pm pick B up
6:30pm get B to eye appt and D to Girl Guides not sure how this will happen?! Someone will be late.
B is getting the drops to dilate his pupils cuz he has to get glasses for reading! Photo to follow:)

8:00pm Pick up Daph
9:00pm go to bed after watching The Blacklist (so good)

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