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Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts

Thursday, August 10, 2017

What's going on?

My house is a disaster zone or perhaps a construction zone?

After considering moving, for a brief minute or two, I gained/earned some paint so I decided to...


Goodbye shades of blue...

Hello custom created gray 

Can you spot my breakfast of apples and peanut butter?

Sunday, August 6, 2017


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My sisters and I, when we were younger, use to colour all the time.

We even had a cupboard in the kitchen full of our colouring books and crayons.  We also did lots of arts and crafts. 

Recently, in the adult world, there has been a resurgence in colouring for adults as a stress reliever... a lot of adult colouring books out there (a lot of stress out there?).

Why did I ever stop colouring? Drawing? Painting?  I have to admit that as part of my job, working with young children, I still get to create art and crafts.  

It was mentioned, that when we were younger, we never coloured to get paid, or worried about being judged...we just coloured for the pure pleasure.

So I recently got back to my childhood activities. 

No I do not have a kitchen cupboard full of colouring books and crayons but I was inspired by Sam Zuppardi's art in  Nobody's Perfect.

I am drawing and painting.
It is pleasurable.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Boudoir Update

So because of the red paint in my room, the Groupon coupon probably only covering so much and I still feel awful about what happen to the owner GBE Painting I decided to "prep" my room.

I filled in all the holes left by the nails that held the paneling up before, so Saturday I sanded:

It was messy!  Dust everywhere! Pink dust coated the carpet!

I then mopped the walls & vacuumed the carpet.

Final prep step: I put on one rough coat of primer:

I think it covered the red pretty good:)

I am thinking of wallpapering the wall behind my bed... Then the paint colours will be: Marshmallow and Artisan

Only you can guess what those colours actually are teehee :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

To paint to paint...or just hire someone else to?

Debating painting my railings...

I plan to do the spindles white and the railing black, a dark high gloss super shiny black...
Most likely a summer project:)

But as for my nouveau boudoir, there is a Groupon coupon (quepon:) $69 and they will paint it for me... It is a big room with cathedral ceilings...I would have to get an extension ladder... Come home and it would be done in a day... Hopefully they would do my two colours... Am I answering my own question?  Should I get the Groupon? Yes:)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Continues to be a work in progress

So Daphne and I patched all the holes and rough spots in my bedroom.  Now they have to be sanded down but there is no way I am doing it now!  The dust would be flying!  I plan to wait for the spring or summer, when windows can be opened.
Still haven't decided on colours either.  After watching Sherlocke Holmes I have even considered wallpaper!! Big bold print...
I will have to take a trip to The Depot and look at some.
Keep ya posted:)

Check out this bedroom

Do you see the faces?
Yes the trees. more gorgeous artwork from Ranz

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bedroom update

So this is what I worked on this weekend, ripping the rest of the paneling off my walls.  And cleaning them.  Kinda gross the amount of dust and uh...spider webs?  So my bed is in the centre of my room and my plan is to patch up the wall behind my bed and paint it soon so I can put my bed back.
The coral and gray combo is out!  Currently leaning heavily towards the dark aquamarine/turquoise and cream but gray and yellow.... Still in the running:)

Uh I think this was suppose to be a spring project?  

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Redo Robyn's Room

So as mentioned before redoing my bedroom is on my list of things to do for my house.  As you can see I have started to pull off the wainscotting panels.  I hope to reuse most of them in the laundry room/mudroom just to make it look nicer.  

The colours I was leaning towards were gray and yellow (a la National Geographics) or coral and gray but now I saw cream with a dark teal and really like it...
I will, no matter what use the chair rail to divide the two chosen colours but I plan to move it up; so it is just placed above the light switch height, 4ft approx?
The ceilings are high so although the bottom colour (gray or dark teal) will be mostly what you see when you initially walk in, the other colours (yellow/coral/cream) will be carried up quite high.

Can anyone say painting party?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


So last week I posted pix of upcoming "jobs" well I forgot a really big one:

Painting my bedroom! Not just painting it but removing the wainscoting, patching and raising the chair rail.  Do you see the cathedral ceiling? Lots of painting.


Coral & grey (I know similar to what is there but will go on easily)


Yellow & grey ( a la National Geographics a little white in there somewhere too)


Monday, July 15, 2013

My to do list

So Breton and Daphne will be with their Dad for the next two weeks, so I do not have an emotional break down (just joking kinda) I have several projects and activities planned.  Here is the list:

Run my 32K route in order to train for the Army Run in September x2

Paint my kitchen cupboards, which involves removing my cupboard doors, sanding them (back & front), clean them, prime them and then paint them...then re-hang them

Fix up & paint Breton's room (just finished the TV room pix to come soon:)

Weed my garden

Mow the lawn and weed whack (sounds funny but not my kinda fun)

Go to the gym

Bike to Osgoode

Go paddle boarding (maybe??)

Go to Dunrobin to see Audrey & Sean's new house

Get shoes to go with a dress

Sign up for  Oh no she didn't just type that!!!  Hahaha not quite ready yet:)  Although tried POF and that is a whole other blog!!!

Walk Ruby

Of course clean

Finish my art piece for the TV room.  Breton and Daph completed theirs but mine is really big and I need to go get another canvas and another copy of MY Many Colored Days by Dr Seuss ...hmmmm what could she be doing?????

Start another art piece for the TV room involving a wooden pallet

Hang out with Molly & Stella, while their Mom goes out

Maybe go see Dad again, with Molly & Stella...and their Mom, which would mean a pit stop to see Aimee

Blog a little

Hang out with YOU!

Let me know if you want to join me!