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Showing posts with label breast cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breast cancer. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

When you lose your Mom to breast cancer

I was 24 in February 1998, on February 2nd (yes Ground Hog Day) when my Mom lost her battle with breast cancer.

She had battled breast cancer for 11 yrs.  I was in grade 8 when she was first diagnosed.  She was 41 years old.

When I turned 41, I had a bucketlist (Click here bucketlist).  The list was simple but it was created just in case I ended up being diagnosed  like my Mom. I don't live my life based on this list today but I do make choices because of breast cancer.

It is why I workout 
It is why I watch what I eat
It is why i take particular vitamins
It is why I think a lot about what I feed my kids
It is why I use deodorant instead of antiperspirant 
It is why go for a mammogram every year
It is why I walk/run in CIBC's Run For A Cure

So if I ever did get diagnosed I can say I have tried everything and anything to prevent it.

Please support me in my efforts to raise funds for CIBC Run For The Cure.
Donate here

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Ground Hog Day

Dear Mom

I know you are always around, but I wanted you to know that we are all alright.  To be honest your passing has brought us, Noelle, Aimee and I, closer together.  I am stronger because of your early departure.  I am a great Mom because of you.  I love being a Mom.  Breton and Daphne make me so proud.  I talk about you with them.  I tell them how much fun we had together, how much we laughed together and they see your pictures around the house, their Baba.

I am more sympathetic and empathetic to others who have my shared experience, I jump in with both feet, I don't waste time, I value my time, experiences and the people in my life.  I credit you for this because I do not know if this would be me if I hadn't lost you.

You have seen my struggles but you have also seen so many highlights.  I wish I knew more about you beyond being my Mom.   I guess I just have to reach out more to those that knew you and ask...

I heard Rod Stewart's "Do you think I'm sexy?" today and I smiled.  Rod Stewart, Linoel Ritchie, Tina Turner, even Tom Petty's Free Fallin' always make me think of you, oh and George Michael.

We are all healthy and happy.

Miss you and remembering you today and always.

Love Robyn

PS Could you flicker the lights more often?

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Help Yourself Tuesday

So I once heard someone (I think Oprah)say that you have to be your own advocate.  The subject was your health.  I took it to mean you need to ask for more information and question the information you are given.

Due to events in my past, I feel when I go into new health situations, I always have my guard up.  Even to the point where I jumped down the throat of the mammogram nurse last time I was in for a mammogram.  I questioned the fact that I am always called back for either another mammogram or an ultrasound because I am smallish.  "Doesn't this expose me to more radiation doing it twice, therefore increasing my risks?"  The nurse explained that the newer machines are better at taking pictures and detecting concerns and they don't give off as much radiation and the machines are designed to protect.  I apologized for my tone and that it was based on past worrisome experiences.  She was kind and understood.

That brings me to another fact when advocating for yourself: do your research.  Now with the internet we have access to info...a lot of information.  This can cause more stress but you need to know your facts/information in order to ask good questions to ease your mind.  Whenever I go to my family doctor, Dr. L. Kent (woot woot she is awesome) I always have some internet info.  She is always patient and explains everything and answers all my questions.

There maybe times when you are not able to advocate for yourself so you need to find someone who will question for you and ask for more information. 

I know the doctors know more than me concerning health issues but we all can get in a rut and do the same old procedures so it is your right to question. It can ease your mind because there will be times that you will need a focused mind to heal, recoup or continue battling.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I am wearing pink, thinking pink, dreaming in pink, all in an effort to raise funds for CIBC Run For The Cure.  This is the 15+ year that I have done it all in honour of my Mom.  Our Team is Sue's Crew.

Go to  to support me and donate to a great cause.