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Showing posts with label Tylenol 3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tylenol 3. Show all posts

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sleepless in Barrhaven:(

It is 12:22am on Monday morning.  I can not sleep.  I was in bed, as I am most nights, right after I put the kids to bed.  Tonight it was approximately 9:30pm.  My habit for many months now is to watch a show/movie on Netflix and fall asleep midway through.  Mind you I never sleep through the night, so I will repeat this a couple of times during the night: wake up to pee then watch Netflix then eventually fall asleep.

It is not working tonight.  I have even gone back to my old habit when I couldn't sleep: reading.  I am reading Inferno by Dan Brown.  That is not working either.

This could be the problem? I drank more tea today then I usually do.  The usual is about four cups in a day.  Today I think I drank six.  Get the photo: I heart tea:) FYI that is a few days worth of tea bags.
At this point, I have taken some meds leftover from my surgery. Two Tylenol 3s.  In the past I have taken melatonin, which is great to help me initially fall asleep but does not help me stay asleep.  I have also taken larazopan (sp).  It is a perscription and can become addictive.  The last time I used it I saw how it could become stops being as affective so you need to use more of it to gain the results (sleep).  I exercise to sleep better too.  And prior to this evening, I have been having wonderful sleeps.  Tonight it isn't even that my mind won't turn off...on those nights I do what I can at the moment, organize and prepare or write out whatever else is cycling in my brain.

Right now I can feel the Tylenol starting to kick in, so sleep will be coming...
Just frustrating when it takes this long.

Sidenote:  My Netflix choice tonight was Craigslist Joe.  It was a great film.  Maybe too captivating didn't lend itself to my sleep.  It maybe an entire blog to itself...

Friday, July 25, 2014

RIP Poppy

Remember this post:


So I have an umbilical hernia.  It normally does not bother me.  Usually only after I have done some heavy lifting.  I will not touch it directly.  It can be tender when in the shower and I am washing my body.

I was going to have you all name it but then I named her myself...her name is Poppy!  She is that little marble like nodule above my belly button.  I had it looked at by my Dr and she said until it really causes discomfort not to worry.

Say hi to POPPY!!!

Well Poppy did start to give me discomfort:(

The most recent episode left me feeling nauseous feverish and then real sore and discomfort where Poppy was located.

When I realized it was Poppy, I pushed her back in and I immediately felt better.  Yes ewww! I never touched her. I put my shirt over her and then used my palm to gently push her back into place ugh !

So I went back to my Dr and we made an appt to see a specialist.

Dr Monaghan was the specialist and he recommended surgery.  Placing a mesh over the hole therefore putting Poppy back in place for good.

Why did this happen? Dr Monaghan said that when babies are born usually the umbilical area heals up inside where your belly button is, well some don't and you get a hole.  

This past Monday I had my patch job done.
I got dropped off at the Queensway Carelton for day surgery.

I took 4 Tylenol 3 in all and have since been on Motrin.  Mostly at night or not at all.  I have taken half the bandaid off but am to chicken to pull it all off.

Minor surgery grateful for the nurses so nice and the Drs too.

So thankful to you Susan for driving me and picking me up and babysitting me while high at the drugstore and understanding my tears.