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Showing posts with label The Rock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Rock. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2019

A Comparison of Robyn and the Rock

I am a fan of the Rock. I have to admit I have not seen all his movies nor did I really root for him in his wrestling days (I was a Steve Austin fan) but come on... he ain’t too hard on the eyes;)

But besides both starting with an "R" (Rock/Robyn) we have a few other things in common:

We have both been to Calgary.

And in other ways we differ:
*He is a boy.  I am a girl.
*He wrestled and played football.  I never did either.
*He has been to Hawaii.  I have not but on my Bucketlist.  Dwayne :) actually just got married there...

I have done his workout. He has not done mine.

We are both good in looking GOOD! Well dressed humans.

We both like to travel 

We both have children.

He has three girls.  I have 2 originals and 2 I have embraced out of love.

We like motorcycles?

We both wear his clothing. He has a line of clothing...
I do not.

Most special to me:  we have the same birthday!!!

May 2nd!!!! 

I also admire his kindness. He does surprises for fans and he seems to be a very hard working man. He could surprise me anytime!!!!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

What I am watching

With no cable and unable to find much else on Netflix I have found some shows to stream.

Kingdom is one show that I have been streaming through TVAddons. It stars one of the Jonas brothers (Nick) and it is about MMA fighting. It is pretty gritty but we all need a little grit in our lives. 

I have just finished watching the first season of A Handmaid's Tale. I never read Margaret Atwood's book of the same name. I am thinking I might because I am pretty sure the TV series has taken creative liberties in order to make it more current. No matter it is really good!

I am waiting for the 3rd season of Ballers to begin. It stars the Rock. Need I say more.
Ok I is based on professional football.  It stars the Rock...