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Showing posts with label Ballers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ballers. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

What I am watching

With no cable and unable to find much else on Netflix I have found some shows to stream.

Kingdom is one show that I have been streaming through TVAddons. It stars one of the Jonas brothers (Nick) and it is about MMA fighting. It is pretty gritty but we all need a little grit in our lives. 

I have just finished watching the first season of A Handmaid's Tale. I never read Margaret Atwood's book of the same name. I am thinking I might because I am pretty sure the TV series has taken creative liberties in order to make it more current. No matter it is really good!

I am waiting for the 3rd season of Ballers to begin. It stars the Rock. Need I say more.
Ok I is based on professional football.  It stars the Rock...