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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Come cozy up

Remember this post on Facebook:

The weekend before the put it together yourself furniture had you pulling out your hair then this weekend you ditch the allan? Key and get your own nuts and bolts. Then the Home Depot guy tells you to "get your husband to..." and you tell them there is no go home and get it done. FU patio furniture!
If you read this you are invited to come over and test it out! BAM! I am that good!

Well I bought another "project" from Home Depot:

This one was easier then the patio furniture, yet there were a few mix ups, miss placed pieces and wrong screws used but it is done! And when it tells you to use a screwdriver, when you have a drill...use the drill (so much faster, only a few stripped screws;)
Now our ground floor will be warmer and cozier.  Also got it for an awesome deal!!!

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