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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Future Project

So my front steps are an embarrassment and need a lot of work.  Looking for any recommendations of companies that would be able to fix it.  It is just one project I do not think I can do myself.  Someone actually tried twice and it just didn't work:(  I have also considered running a sisal outdoor rug down the centre?? But have no idea where to purchase such a long one...

Any recommendations would be much appreciated:)


Anonymous said...

Have you looked at the outdoor paints for contrete from. Home Depot? I would ask them. Remeber their moto: you can do it, we can help!

Anonymous said...

Robyn, try Google for sisle rug, probably Lowes or Home Depot. You would still have to fasten it down.


Anonymous said...

Like your Dad said, usually stores like Home Depot, Lowes and Canadian Tire sell rug on rolls so you can choose the length you want.
You could also try the End of the Roll stores too.
