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Showing posts with label wooden hooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wooden hooks. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Gonna hook you with this!!!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to my Easter Seals fundraising.  I tell my kids I am 1/2 Canadian 1/2 Crazy and all this fundraising is allowing me to take part in another exciting adventure: rappelling down a 20 story building at 280 Slater Street on September 21st.

Here is a link to a video as to what funds raised by Easter Seals helps with:

To further raise funds for #eastersealsontario, I am selling hooks made from branches.  They are rustic looking, approximately 5-7 inches long, they come with screws and plugs to hang and are $5.00 each.  I can even mail them to you!!! For free!!!  All funds will go directly to my fundraising.
Very easy to put up!

For your accessories!

Your towels

Got medals?

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Thank you for your support!!!