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Showing posts with label saving money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saving money. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2016

Dollar Store Top 10 Deals

1.  With two BIG dogs we go through a lot of poop bags.  a deal Paul found at the Dollarama is instead of buying the colourful poop bags from there go a few aisles over to the baby section and grab the bags to put diapers in.  You save .75 cents and a bonus is that they smell like baby powder.  Come on if you are pooper scoopin might as well have a nice scent to kinda cover up the other smell....

2. Gum 65-77 cents or 2 for $1

3. Candy brand names or $1 versions of the brand names. Hit here before heading to the movies and fill your pockets (make sure they are big so you can even sneak in a drink cuz the $1 store has them too)

4. Baking needs. I try to stick to the brand names.

5. Again sticking to brand names, you can get a little bit of a deal on health and beauty products. I have purchased everything from wax for my brows to conditioner, deodorant and even hair dye. 

6. PARTY PARTY PARTY - party supplies from loot bag goodies to coordinated dining accessories (the napkins are soooo pretty!) 

7. If you are going to a party you can get a card, gift bag and tissue here. Why pay $5+ for a card? So it says exactly what you were thinking but why not purchase a simple $1 store card and write your own thoughts? 

8. Then you could decorate your card with stickers from the office/school supply aisle.  We have found some unique items here (AC/DC & KISS folders and pretty push pins) and Crayola products.

9. Along with the fun school supplies there are toys. Depending on the season 

10. If you are a teacher  or work with kids you already know that the dollar store is great for craft supplies.

Although all these items are from Dollarama, where prices range from .77 to $3.00, I would recommend DollarTree where everything is $1.25.

*****Oh and best location of a Dollarama: in Bells Corners because it is next to FreshCo!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


So I was chatting with a fellow single parent and here are a few thrifty ideas that we do:
-I use the dishwasher/washing machine/dryer either after 9:00pm or on weekends
-all loads of laundry are done in cold water
-keep the heat down. I keep mine at 19C during the day on weekends, during the week it is at 16C.  At times I find the cat sitting on a heat vent hahaha! But I just layer up:)
-shopping for food when you are single half the time can be tricky.  I have gone to freezing a lot such as leftover fresh berries I know won't get eaten in time, I throw them in the freezer for smoothies later.  Other things I freeze are leftovers...for a meal when we are altogether again (the kids and I), spinach, bananas for muffins, sometimes I will cook a lot of pasta and freeze it, then when the time comes that I need it, I just boil the H2o and throw it in, it shaves a few minutes off from cooking it from dried.
-cancel cable-- this seems to be very common for people wHen they first get divorced.  Then they go to Netflix
-People invite you over for dinner more often when they know you are alone...
-my gym membership isn't getting wasted! Now with more free time to myself I go to the gym way more often. 
-again with more time on my hands I make a lot from scratch, such as baked goods for school snacks.  When I first got separated I would go on these baking binges and everyone benefited because I didn't have enough room to freeze all that I had baked.
-I coupon and price match sometimes too
-I take advantage of PC Points, Shoppers Optimum Points and Air Miles

Just a few things that all put together help.
