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Showing posts with label Shoppers Optimum Points. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoppers Optimum Points. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


So I was chatting with a fellow single parent and here are a few thrifty ideas that we do:
-I use the dishwasher/washing machine/dryer either after 9:00pm or on weekends
-all loads of laundry are done in cold water
-keep the heat down. I keep mine at 19C during the day on weekends, during the week it is at 16C.  At times I find the cat sitting on a heat vent hahaha! But I just layer up:)
-shopping for food when you are single half the time can be tricky.  I have gone to freezing a lot such as leftover fresh berries I know won't get eaten in time, I throw them in the freezer for smoothies later.  Other things I freeze are leftovers...for a meal when we are altogether again (the kids and I), spinach, bananas for muffins, sometimes I will cook a lot of pasta and freeze it, then when the time comes that I need it, I just boil the H2o and throw it in, it shaves a few minutes off from cooking it from dried.
-cancel cable-- this seems to be very common for people wHen they first get divorced.  Then they go to Netflix
-People invite you over for dinner more often when they know you are alone...
-my gym membership isn't getting wasted! Now with more free time to myself I go to the gym way more often. 
-again with more time on my hands I make a lot from scratch, such as baked goods for school snacks.  When I first got separated I would go on these baking binges and everyone benefited because I didn't have enough room to freeze all that I had baked.
-I coupon and price match sometimes too
-I take advantage of PC Points, Shoppers Optimum Points and Air Miles

Just a few things that all put together help.
