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Showing posts with label museum passes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label museum passes. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Born to be free!

Ok maybe I should say "born to love a freebe!"

This summer I have discovered/taken advantage of many free activities that lurk about our great city of Ottawa.

Here is a list:

Free museum passes from the library- during the summer they can be hard to come by but you can look them up online and see where they are available.  Be warned there are some sharks in the water when it comes to obtaining these passes.  They usually lurk just outside the library doors before it even opens and then when the doors do get unlocked, they strike!  Nearly taking you out on the way to the check out desk!

B&D @ the Agriculture Museum

Breton, Daphne & Molly at the Aviation Museum

They have passes for every museum and the Art Gallery!

Festivals:  There have been many this summer.  We are planning to take in the KIDS FEST this weekend on Sparks St.

BMX Park- This past spring a local BMX park was built in Barrhaven and Breton has been several times.  Daphne has yet to be convinced to try it.  I like it because I get a chance to catch up on stuff while chillin' in the car or I am in charge of taking video and pix of B on the track.  Located: along Strandherd Dr just past the Royal Oak

Splash Pad/wading pool events like this one: (we are going tomorrow):

At Centrepointe

A dance party in the park, combined with the fun of a splash pad, water art activities, games, demonstrations and a BBQ Lunch—it’s all a part of the Lunchtime Performing Arts Series—and the best part is, it’s FREE.
The City of Ottawa invites you to bring your family to experience this jam-packed day of arts activities at the Centrepointe Park this Thursday, August 22, 2013 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Ottawa’s own Luv 2 Groove will teach you few dance moves. You can play giant board games courtesy of Centrepointe Theatres, do arts activities with the City of Ottawa’s Arts Animation Team and instructors from the Nepean Creative Arts Centre, watch science and sports demonstrations and so much more...
Bring your bathing suit and cool off at the splash pad. Centrepointe Splash is not only one of the biggest and best splash pads with its tipping bucket and spraying loop – de – loop, but this summer, it is the first splash pad to host this Citywide Major Special Event.
Check out the schedule below for details or visit the seasonal activities page on for more information and to learn about the entire series happening across the City.

Beaches:  There are many around town.  We have enjoyed Mooney's Bay more than once this year.

Nature trails/dog park:  We have been at least once a week because of Ruby but while walking the trail try GEOCACHING.  You can get an app on your phone and then you use it, along with clues, to find hidden treasure!  Geocaching is a whole other world with some hardcore participants, (booking family vacations based on good geocaches) but it is fun to tryout. (**the app does cost $10)

Ruby at the dog park

Sunday Bike Days- the city closes down Sir John A Macdonald Parkway,Colonel  By Parkway and a few others and you can bike, run or roller blade. This ends September 2nd.  We did it once so far.  We started at Hogs Back:) also fun to check out too!

The Library- Besides books and museum passes, I borrow DVDs and the kids get Wii games.

Friend's Pool: OK this one you are on your own, I am not sharing my family and friends with pools, but I am so lucky to know several people with pools and a lake:)  Hey you can always turn on your sprinkler and run through it, kinda the same eh?!