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Showing posts with label eating in bed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eating in bed. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Don't judge me

Here are some things I do that others may not agree with:

I drive with the window down and the A/C on at the same time.  I just love the tunes blasting and maybe others want to hear but I also want to be cool???!!!

I will put dishes back in the dishwasher that may have come out dirty the first time I washed them...a new position in the dishwasher may make them get clean better

I eat in bed all the time

I like my alone time and need a balance of both

Following a religion is not for me

I have used the dregs of milk in my students' drink container, for my tea.  I always ask first:0) and you do not want  to see Miss Robyn without a cup of tea in her system

I have worn a dress to a party and then returned it later

I did not enjoy breastfeeding

I drive to the park, which is just down the street, in order to throw the ball for my dog