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Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2019

What I need!

I need a creative outlet

I need to be respected and loved

I need my space (alone time)

I need exercise => good mental health

I need sleep and healthy food

I need a clean space to focus within

I need downtime

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Life is good

I know it is suppose to be Thrifty Thursday but blogging hasn't been happening regularly... There is a story there but that's another blog... But I was inspired by this photo so
I went with it...

So this was my dining room table sometime last month...

Crazy cluttered

Daphne's Doh Vinci craft stuff
My apple and peanut butter breakfast along with my AM tea
A bowl of dog food for the dog we were babysitting
Some toys to be passed down to cousins
A clapper for a future hockey game, which still hasn't made it to an actual
Hockey game. I think it is still on the table:(
A cribbage game we are still trying to figure out how to play?
A Christmas decoration on the wall we forgot to take down
Our Costco jar of vitamins

The table is not always this cluttered and I actually prefer it way less cluttered but for this moment in time it shows that we are living a great life:

We try to stay healthy, so far so good !
We have good friends that trust us to take care of their dog
I start the day with two of my favs: Apple & PB with a tea
My daughter lets her creativity roar
We have family to pass on toys we have outgrown. This extended family of ours we love a lot
We make time to play
We aren't perfect, we forget and we have good intentions

Wouldn't change a thing!!!!

So content 
So at peace
So happy