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Showing posts with label Jacques Cartier parc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jacques Cartier parc. Show all posts

Sunday, August 27, 2017


If you are trying to squeeze out the last few days of summer vacation, we recommend these:
On Wednesday evening Breton, Daphne and I took in Kontinuum .  It is almost done so if you have not had a chance to go it  is something interesting to do while wandering around downtown.  We pre-booked our FREE tickets and when we went it was not busy at all (around 4:45pm).  Don't forget to smile when they scan you:)

We then walked down Sparks St and took the bridge over to MOSAICANADA in Jacques Cartier Parc.
And it was all free...even the parking:)


Breton is starving in this pic. We went over the dinner hour and hadn't planned to be gone so long.  Poor man-boy:(
It was amazing the sculptures they made incorporating all the different kinds of plants.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Slip sliding away

The kids and I always make a trip to Jacques Cartier Parc for the Winterlude ice slides.  It was cold this morning but we quickly warmed up.  They changed the set up somewhat this year and added a few pay activities (zip lining and bungee) this year.  Oh and a giant inflatable beaver.  Seem a lot of people using photo of themselves in front of the beaver, on Facebook...

The ice slide lines move quickly.  Lots of snack options.  We had Beavertails. Entertainment. Parking available for $10!

Breton took this one!
Two beauties found racing on ice slides!!!