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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Breton @ Scotiabank Place!

For all the hockey Mom's warming up for the new hockey season, i hope this doesn't happen to you:

“But Officer, my son is playing at Scotiabank Place for the first time and he forgot his left skate.  I am just trying to get it to him before his game is over!”  This is what I would have told the police officer if I had gotten pulled over this past Saturday.  I would have been pulled over for speeding.  Yes that was me, the dark blue streak going by you on the Queensway and running up your rear end on Eagleson or Terry Fox and Fallowfield.  
As I was waiting with Daphne, my in laws and other family members of other players, Jeff calls me on my cell to inform me that they can only find one skate.  “I’ll call you back in 5 minutes; we’re going to search the change room.”  Even as Jeff hangs up I head to the door to go back to the parking lot and jump in my car.
Rewind, ½ hr before Breton & Jeff leave…Breton shows Daphne and I the new blue laces that his Dad put on his skates.  Very sharp looking.  As Breton packs his hockey bag, for whatever reason, he got distracted and leaves one skate on the couch.  This is where I find it when I finally get home.
Long story short, I raced to get the skate to Breton, who was sitting on the bench.  He went out and got an assist.  His team is the #1 C level team but they lost to the #1 B level team.  Final score 9-2.  No matter what, it is a story and a half we will never forget.  And we got to hear B’s name said out loud in Scotiabank Place: Breton Paris…no Breton Perras (the “s” is silent) They’ll get it right by the time he is there playing for the NHL.
Thank you to all Breton’s fans that came out to watch esp MollyJ thanx for keeping me warm.


Auntie Noelle said...

And I got to witness the "Royal" skate being run through Scotiabank, passed to the team manager who put it over the glass to the anxiously awaiting all star! What a moment!

Michelle said...

Mom saves the day... as usual!