My time for my first 1/2 marathon
My friend Mirka, who believed and pushed me to the end (not literally)
My time for my first 1/2 marathon
My friend Mirka, who believed and pushed me to the end (not literally)
Personally I think you can do it, Rob! You are a fighter.
This was what Mirka messaged me and something just clicked. I tried a route near my place and did it in less than 3hrs and I was set!
Robyn ran 32.68 kilometers with MapMyRun.7:14am |
I was never nervous about it, more excited on the day it came. I did drink a 5 hr Energy Drink that kept me buzzed. they also gave us gel packs that also had me going (caffeine and who knows what else) but most of all it was the crowds. They cheered you on and because you have your name on your bib they would cheer you on by name. High fiving all the kids as I ran by helped too. B & D were there at 5k cheering me on also.
For me it was so much more than just a race!

This was on my hand as I ran. Whenever I run this thought keeps me motivated. There are others who just can not run. I am healthy, fortunate and able. I also like to see how much I can push my body. I am definitely sore and my feet are battered but it is such a rush. I am probably still on a high from this race:)
What time do you start and approximate finish.
Good luck Brave Girl
Mireille Perras: Good luck today.