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Showing posts with label yummymummyclub. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Am I a Silver Fox?

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Silver Fox, that has been my Dad's nickname amongst my uncles, because of his hair.  He went grey around 16.  I have inherited this hair colour change.  Or maybe now that I am 40+ it is just a natural occurrence?
Whatever the reason, I have been colouring my hair for a looooonnnngggg time.  Lately, it has been every two weeks.  Usually, creeps in around my temples along the hairline and at my part.

Recently, I was inspired by Andrea Nair's article (click here to read) and I also worry what all that dye is doing to me...seeping into my brain???

My sister Aimee, also inherited the Silver Fox gene and she recently committed to her grey:

I took another root (hahaha).  Since last summer, I have been dying my hair black and then had been choosing lighter and lighter shades of brown but still all in the dark brown shades.  I honestly couldn't remember my natural shade other then it was brown.

I purchased OOPS from Shoppers Drugmart.  As it states, it removes all artificial hair colour.  In the instructions, they explain that hair dye opens the pores of your hair letting the dye in.  OOPS shrinks those pores leaving you with your natural hair colour.

This is what you had to do after you applied the clear solution:

When I washed it out, there was no colour running out.  I did have to wash my hair several times to get all the solution out and this was me back to my natural hair colour:

I was a little shocked by the lightness and reddish tones to it. There is also the grey which I am still adjusting to and still not committed to.  Paul helped me add a few low lights to cover some of the grey and I plan to add some thin highlights eventually.  I don't know if I can just let the grey grow wild and free...yet, but maybe slowly, ever so slowly I could eventually let it emerge.  We shall see...