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Showing posts with label bowties on boys and men. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bowties on boys and men. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Fancy Dancy

So fancy...may I take your order?

At work we had a "fancy" day. You had to dress up in your fanciest.  I didn't know how fancy to go so I chose to dress "boy" fancy or  androgynous.
I wore a bowtie.
I did not like wearing a bow tie. It's not because one of the students said I looked like a magician but I did feel like a waiter though. Maybe it was the jacket...
I think boys and men who do wear bowties are adorable....maybe that was it...I looked "cute".
Well I can't say I will go this route the next fancy day... maybe I will breakout my ball gown.