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Showing posts with label acrylic paint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acrylic paint. Show all posts

Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Many Colour Days include art

Not the best photo but this is another art piece I worked on this summer.

I dis-assembled two copies of Dr Seuss' My Many Coloured Days.
Painted two large canvases black ($1 store acrylic)
Used old dictionary pages for the corners
Attached the two canvases(originally purchased just one canvas and realized I could not place all the pages on one canvas)
Used a cutting tool to manipulate the storybook pages (also ripped and scrunched some pages depending on the feeling the page was describing).
Mod podged all the pages and pieces onto the canvas
Voila a huge art piece on my wall.

The reason for the creation of this art piece was that we had decided to each create a piece for our new TV room.  Below are Breton and Daphne's pieces.

