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Showing posts with label EMC barrhaven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EMC barrhaven. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thank You Pat Trew

Breton delivers the EMC our local newspaper.  Within this paper, there is always a recipe from Pat Trew (recently I blogged about Kitchen Sink Cookies, a modified version of her Breakfast Cookies).  I have also adopted her homemade oatmeal recipe and it has become my traditional Christmas Oatmeal that we eat all year round.  This recipe, we even used as Christmas gifts to our parents in my class last year.  Well Pat Trew submitted her final recipe last week.  After 34 years of recipes, she revealed that she is battling lung cancer.  So sad:)  Not only have these two recipes become part of my regular recipe box but I have collected and tried several other recipes from her.  I actually looked forward to them each week.  I knew, as I flipped through the paper when I saw Mary Cook's article, in a couple pages there would be Pat Trew's recipe.  Thank you Pat Trew for inspiring me to cook with your easy to follow yet so delicious recipes. if you want to look through past recipes from Pat Trew