Since carol is away, maybe we should take it as a sign. a sign that we should try to stay together? I have realized so much since we have been separated. I really think we could make it work. Sitting with you watching B play hockey and having lunch together on the weekend...
I know you had mentioned that you prefer my hair dark so I promise you that I will never change it again. But we could keep our separate residences (once you get your new place) and be together but not live together. Remember that car driver/racer that had a show, I think his name was John Force(?) that's what he and his wife did.
I was also thinking that when we re-do our wills that we should name Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed as the kids guardians. Right? once we put them in our will and something happens to us, they'd have to take them. Just think of everything the kids would have and get to do. And Shannon is Canadian so she'd make sure B keeps up with his hockey. then they'd have the balance of the arts. daph would probably get the opportunity to actually perform at some point.
Brilliant eh?!
Let me know what you think of my april fools joke!
Happy Birthday Danielle:) Can I say it enough? I really hope it is very happy.