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Showing posts with label Amana fridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amana fridge. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Love Google:)

Last Friday, we realized (OK Jeff did) that our fridge was not keeping things cold, just cool.  So we vacuumed behind the fridge after opening it all up back there.  That still did not work and all I could think is that we are going to have to go buy a new fridge tonight:(  We have had the fridge since we moved in '99.  It is quite large and there was a lot of swearing when it came to trying to get it in the house when we moved in...and I am pretty sure Jeff said if we ever moved that fridge was not coming with us!  So that too had me concerned, how to get it out. 

We went looking for the manual and of course put it in that special spot that we could just not remember!!  So I googled.  I entered Amana, found our fridge and there was a PDF file for the manual on their website.  When I clicked it said "no longer available":(!  So then I googled our exact make and got a Youtube video.  The video was made by a man in 2008, who had our exact same fridge.  In his video he was obviously frustrated about the design of the freezer.  Our freezer was fine, still very cold.  But he showed that where the cool air goes up from freezer to fridge the condensation froze over and you end up with a large chunk of ice therefore no cool air going anywhere.  He had written Amana in 2006 and still in 2008 had not got any help.  He did give us our solution: to pour hot water down the vent in the bottom of the fridge,  that connected to the freezer(our freezer is on the bottom).  After a little chipping of the ice our fridge is back to normal!!!  So the moral of the story is : googling saves you money!!!!

PS I had to pick Daphne up early from camp on Friday because of stomach cramps, I think she may of had some bad food from our fridge...yikes!!!