We have been dating for four years.
Once a week we have a date nite.
Our dates range from cooking together then watching some TV to these:
Dinners @ T&T, Ikea (one of my favourite date nites), Costco (turkey pesto sandwich yum!), being one of the youngest couples at the Rideau Carleton Race Way buffet
Cooking class @ loblaws
Partner Yoga
canoeing Biking & Running usually not all in one date night...separate date nites
3 Guys brewery- very early dating date
Thai Flame - anniversary dinners
Skating on the Canal and sandwiches from http://www.dirienzodeli.ca/
Greek from http://cozmossouvlaki.com/ we take it to Chapman Mills Conservation and ate by the water
We also took our Frank’s sandwiches toBluesfest, had planned to sit outside the festival and listen to Elle King but after we finished the sandwiches we found out she canceled. It was a nice walk though from Tunney’s Pasture to the War Museum
Frank’s sandwiches:https://www.franksfoods.ca
Movie night - last movie we saw was the Queen one- we rocked out
During the Snow Season our date nights consist of Skiing @ https://campfortune.com/en/
Paul’s best date night: Queen concert, at the Lac Leamy casino... cover band of course but sooooo good!! Only complaint: everyone just sat there:( grab the last back row and rock out next time) Lots of variety in shows at Lac Leamy
I think it is uber important to make time for your special someone.