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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Shout out!

I just wanted to send a shout out to whoever is reading my blog in Russia!!  So cool that it can reach people so far away.  Leave a comment:)
Have a great day everyone!

OH and enjoy the snow!  My son is up early so that he can get out and shovel it! Love it!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Your theme song...

So if you walked into a room what song would be playing in the background?  Mine would be NEW YORK GROOVE by Ace Frehley.

You can not help but strut to this:) LOVE IT!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So how old were you when you realized Santa wasn't true?  I do not remember exactly but my son now knows:(  Kinda sad.  Whenever I mention Santa, B always sarcastically says "Santa" (with air quotation marks).  D still believes!

I wonder:  Isn't it really a big lie, the whole Santa thing (along with the Toothfairy, Easter Bunny etc)?  not that I would ever spoil it for anyone but aren't we suppose to be teaching our children to tell the truth...???

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Birhtday Maddie:)

Just wanted to wish my dear friend Madelaine a wonderful birthday on Saturday!  Hope it is everything you needed/wanted it to be.  Love Robyn

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Sean!!

Connor's Dad is having a birthday today too!!  I am not sure how young he is turning but he is an important guy in our family and we hope he has a grrrrreat birthday!
Happy Birthday Sean!!
Sean wi th his better half:)

Happy birthday to you,  happy birthday dear Sean, happy birthday to yoooouu!!!
Lots of love Breton, Daphne, Robyn & Jeff

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

And then it was over...

The Angel & the Skeleton

Breton's carving

My Lion pumpkin?

carvin' 101.  Yes B has hockey knee pads on?!

Daphne's pumpkin

Hope you all had a great Halloween.  My kids collected over 15lbs of candy.  Yes they actually weighed it!